Label Graphic Services Department

We are the general population who make the last work of art for the names that Prisa Technologies fabricates. While we can deal with most sorts of records and projects, certain necessities will guarantee that all pre-press work is finished rapidly and effectively with least defer.


The accompanying data will assist you with making sense of the most ideal approach to present your documents to us:


File Formats
We are a Mac-based work bunch. In the event that your name documents are made on a PC, they must be spared in a Mac-good record design. Adequate documents incorporate Adobe Illustrator CS6, Adobe InDesign CS5, Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 (with layers), Adobe Acrobat Hi-Res PDF, with Illustrator altering capacities, and Freehand records spared as editable eps documents. In the event that a particular part number will be utilized for the name, please incorporate on the Art File Legend.


The accompanying arrangements are NOT worthy as craftsmanship: PowerPointCorelDraw, and Microsoft Word.

Sending Digital Files
We acknowledge CD/DVDs (Mac good), and also web record exchanges. Your Prisa Technologies account supervisor or client administration delegate can furnish you with the data that you should send us your CD/DVDs; particular connections and directions for email; or FTP site record exchanges and correspondence.


It would be ideal if you make certain to send all textual styles utilized as a part of your record. Both Printer and PostScript textual styles are essential for us to yield your documents accurately. Keep away from TrueType text styles. Least sort size is 4 pt. For serif typefaces, we prescribe 6 pt. as a base. Maintain a strategic distance from light sort textual styles and serif text styles that are flimsy, particularly when utilized as a part of turned around out zones.

Stay away from sort set in Photoshop– it has a tendency to be spiked, foggy and harsh, and will print that way. Never adapt sort in the system as this makes issues when the document is tore to our processor when creating plates. The processor will most likely be unable to change over to the adapted look. Utilize the suitable textual style (i.e. utilize the italic adaptation of the text style for emphasized words).

Art/Photos/Graphic Images
If you don’t mind incorporate every single unique record and connections in their unique projects (determined previously). Maintain a strategic distance from inserted craftsmanship in your mark work of art. Photographs ought to be filtered at least 300 dpi at last scale. Crop your photographs with the goal that they are set on or close to 100% at their biggest use. Prisa Technologies can examine your unique work of art or photograph for you.

Image Area/Die Strike
Keep up a 1/16″ clear edge from the dyeline (remember the corner range, as well). Incorporate corner span measurement as a major aspect of the workmanship record. Show zone or unvarnished zones. Contact your client administration delegate for a posting of accessible pass on shapes and sizes. Custom kicks the bucket can likewise be made for your particular needs.

Colour Specifications
If it’s not too much trouble determine obliged PMS (Pantone Matching System) numbers on spot shading fine art. Keep in mind that hues mistakenly named, RGB, or showed to be CMYK may bring about disarray and result in your name imprinting in an undesirable way. It would be ideal if you name your hues suitably (if white prints as a shading on your occupation, make a spot shading called “Prints as white” and unmistakably demonstrate where white ought to print). Make sure to have just the hues that print on the mark in your record. Maintain a strategic distance from converse sort in ranges with more than one shading. In the event that it is important to utilize a turn around, the sort ought to have a holding line (framework) to guarantee clean letters.

Screens may extend from 100% to at least 1%. Remember that consummation a screen or slopes inside the pass on strike (on the mark) can make an undesirable, discernible hard line.

Least line width is .4 pt. Opposite lines or tenets have at least .75 pt. to abstain from quitting for the day printed. Screened principles ought to be no less than 1 pt. to maintain a strategic distance from a wavy appearance. Guidelines ought to never have a fill shading, just utilize a stroke/line shading.

Show the kind of scanner tag required and position on the mark. We can make the standardized tag for you. The standard UPC standardized tag ought to be no less than 80% amplification (ideally 85%) with a stature of no under 3/8″.

All bleeds ought to be 1/16″ past the kick the bucket line or yield mark.

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